Saturday, March 10, 2012

A good professor is like good wine - the older, the better.

by Vasilio Freiman. March 9, 2012

Whatever walk of life you are from you will someday face the day of retirement, it's just that for some people it comes rather late. I'm talking about intellectuals. By such I mean not only people commited to science, but also those who dedicated their life to discovering the wisdom of the Only God and His creation. These people's mind will never become stagnant because of the lack of brain work. It remains bright and clear when they get old, and while at that age they can no longer afford physical work their mind keeps up the pace.

Every business has its own timing of payoff, some businesses pay off quickly and some take time before you get a return on your investment. Some people don't want to wait so they invest in quick-return businesses to enjoy life while they are young. Such people buy cool clothes and cars with their parents' money, go to parties, play for college teams, work out heavily and date beautiful girls. Then you should look at many of them when they reach 40. Other people don't have anything of the abovementioned, they prefer reading and learning to partying and dating. This type of investment has a delayed return, sometimes it takes years to get your first cent (if you are hoping to follow in Mark Zuckenberg's footsteps keep in mind that such instances are exceptions to the rule). Sometimes it doesn't pay off until you get old, however by then you are wise enough to accept the expected profit in other than the monetary form. And while many at 65 struggle with the fear of own uselesness to the society your life just starts at that age. In the countries where the job of a teacher is low-paid this is especially relevant: it's a tough choice to be poor when you are young but to get enriched when you are old, constantly learning, thinking and praying, increasing your value like good wine.

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